• FXI's engineers and designers have decades of experience and expertise designing and developing
    contoured foam surfaces with our service we call “SMT”. Our engineers and designers can create
    unique designs and products for you to achieve your desired benefits from enhanced pressure
    relief to zoned support to improved air circulation.

    • Support Surface Features

      Surface Modification Technology (SMT™) is FXI’s proprietary process and design service to sculpt and shape polyurethane slab surfaces in an infinite amount of ways in order to meet the specific needs of our customers.

      The surface of the foam can be sculpted by altering it up to five ways: pattern, size, depth, spacing, and location. Any geometric shape or pattern can be cut to achieve a specific benefit:

      • Single zone or multi-zone

      • Across the length (head to toe) or width (left to right)

      • Single or double-sided (top and bottom)

      • Positive or negative shaping (protruding or concaved)


      FXI's experienced SMT™ specialists, including the original inventor of the process, are on staff to assist with designing and developing patterns to achieve your desired benefits:

      • Air channels for enhanced air circulation

      • Zoned patterns with targeted areas of comfort and support

      • Redistribution of pressure

      • Increased envelopment

      • Reduction of friction and shear

      smt process


      FXI's Surface Modification Technology (SMT™) is used to create the pressure redistribution characteristics of our BodyZone™ support surfaces.